
What's New

M1 student Mr. M. Matsuda won the Best Presentation Award in the 7th particle physics computing summer school (PPCC-SS-2024) . Congratulation!!
The 1 Ph.D. student, 6 master-course students, and 7 undergraduate students have graduated from Osaka University. We wish their successful future!
B4 Student Mr. T. Okamura won JPS Student Excellent Presentation Award Congratulation!!
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Our Research Interests

Considering all the matter in the universe as an assembly of elements, the most fundamental unit of the matter is atom. The nature of the atom is characterized by its nucleus, and all the elements in the universe were synthesized by nuclear reactions. The nuclear physics is, as it were, the field to explore the origin of the matter in the universe. We aim to elucidate the origin of the matter by experimental research into extremely rare phenomena inside nuclei and structures of exotic nuclei such as hyper nuclei or unstable nuclei far from stability.

Nuclear Structure Group

  • Cluster strutures in nuclei.
  • Nucleosynthesis in the universe.
  • Exotic structure in nuclei with high isospin and/or high spin.

Nuclear Spectroscopy Group

  • Neutrino-less double beta decay for investigation of the matter dominated universe.
  • Study of nuclei with strangeness degree of freedom for investigation of generalized hadron-nucleus interaction.

Van de Graaff Group

  • Measurement of nuclear reaction cross sections and momemnts.
  • Material science by means of nuclear physics.
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